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Ghost Brigade dining

Cayenne, Nisse the miniature pinscher and our son in law, Stefan

Romanian beggar's night spot under a rock overhang just outside the city

No, it is not my trophy. It is in the Museum of Natural History

Grandson Ludvig (to the right). He has lost 30 kg since then.

Finally in Stockholm after 300 km march

Hooga reciting an old poem in the Old Town's Main Square in Stockholm

In the alotment garden

Malin's and Stefan's house in the Stockholm archipelago

A very cold midsummer

Officer's mess in the Rommehed camp

Maypole with eight company standards.
In earlier times the company carpenter provided the respective standard.

The museum board having summer dinner.
Note the painting - almost the same scene as the second picture above

Tonight there will be a grand tattoo in the old barracks yard.
Three friends of mine.

First a military band concert

Buglers will bring us to attention


Log fires bestow a special mood at dusk. Note the maypole.

The band plays great tattoo while the flag is hauled

The 177th Officer Course’s 45 years anniversary.
"The Troika" - me and my friends who helped me to arrange and conduct the event.

A few (?) pints in the inner court yard

Soon dinner

Dinner in one of our old classrooms

Our company adjutant, soon 90 years old Bombardier Master Sergeant Sterneld

Next morning - breakfast in the cadet's canteen before visiting the old cavalry regiment in Stockholm.
They nowadays only conduct Mounted Guard at the Royal Palace

Counting colleagues


And here they come

The mounted guard will soon leave for the ride through town

Lunch in the cavalry canteen

Modern stables

Hello there

My friend Claes who once was the Commander of this regiment.

The beautiful cavalry officers mess

Kerstin and Cayenne on the Cowhouse Field on the edge of Stockholm City


This is where men (and a few girls) still are men !

Typical infantry activity

Brief beach run

Cayenne driving a wild boar

The ghost brigade dining again.
The smorgasbord is eaten while standing. You are allowed to mingle.
During the main course, we sit down like normal people.

".........everything was better in the old days."

Christmas dinner at home

Stefan, Malin, Tilda, dog Nisse, Ludvig, Kerstin

Christmas Day and we take it easy