Our regimental banner. Note: Gadebusch 1712 - 300 years ago

Sailing through the barrier 2010, "The Falcon" following "The Kite"


A boat bottom washing mashine.


Malin, Tilda, Ludvig, Stefan


My private whiskey carrier


Dinner in the summer house


Boring old granddad with his silly Military Academy hats

After more than 300 km and 12 days
http://www.dalkarlsvagen.se  unfortunately only in Swedish


Reciting an old poem


Lifeguards musketeers


Picnic in our garden allotment


Kerstin and grandson Ludvig as movers


Everything but my writing desk went this way


The cows are fenced out, roaming freely about


Kerstin posing by an oldfashioned hay drying rack

Whaleboats - once used for all sorts of transportation at sea


Top secret until a few years ago - when we had a navy worth the name


In the dock  -  in the tunnel


Radical destruction method


Don't hesitate, jump in. October isn't too cold for a swim

Short brake for lunch during the hunting


Hochsitz auf Deutch, would hunting tower be the proper word in English?


Barrel with timed pellet spreader, sugar beets on the ground. Allures boars, elks, roe.


On guard

Snaps - a drink for men - where men still are  men