My friend Anders and I hike around the Kottla lake
The Värta Harbor seen from the Lidingö Bridge
Small children's interest in dogs should be encouraged
Another walk, maybe Just A Closer Walk With Thee
The Nature Historical National Museum
Hey! What kind of cops are you? I have a green light, you have red!
Jump training on Bellevue Promontory
A nice area with old sparse and low buildings - two years ago. Now glass and concrete.
Another nightmare of glass and concrete
On the dear old climbing birch
Approaching the Stockholm East Station
View from The Vanadi's Grove towards The Carp Dam
The First Croft, that is, the first outside the city customs 300 years ago. Probably a slightly more modest building than the current one.
Campus Albano is emerging in the former small industrial area
Someone used plastic mugs put into a net fence to spell these words meaning "You may have a day off to day".