Silhouette view seen from the Vanadis grove
Beaver felled trees at Kyttinge, Lidingö
Anders demonstrates his electric lawnmower
The seagull drops a slice of toast
Hare pavilion, South fishermans croft road
Sweden's only police lorry mostly runs riot fences.
Cruising on Svea road
It itches on the back
Now I have found you so give me some treat!
A meter butterfly of some kind
Araneus diadematus, cross spider
The poisonous cross spider (all spiders are more or less poisonous)
Old rotten wind plates are replaced with steel sheet dito
Exterior and interior window cleaning of the year
A small cute fly agaric ball
A couple of days later
The morning mist is caught in all the little cobwebs
Why do you throw an empty beer can into nature?
More than 100 Canada geese haunt the village of Noret
chipboard clad house
More beaver attacks on Lidingö.
Anders inspects.
The Swdish Antiques Roadshow in Rommehed,
the old camp site of my Regiment
The queue was sometimes more than 300 meters long
I have afternoon coffee with a "colleague" in our museum in Rommehed
I urge people to visit our museum
Inside one of the old barracks
Hundreds of antique enthusiasts in the camp yard