Foto Januari 2024

Christmas lights on New Year's Eve at Stallmästargården's boat club

Someone has been camping at Roslagstullsbacken for a month

Winter road conditions in Frejgatsbacken

The old epidemic hospital

The northern towers are 110 and 125 meters high, respectively.

St. Stephen's Church. In the background St. John.

Gustav Vasa Church

Alba Nova

The Spruce Dog

Lark Town and Engelbrekt Church

Anders H

Still life

The Bumblebee garden, Fredrika Bremer

Now Mom has left home again.

Saint George and his wife according to folk humour

Af Chapman as usual moored at Ship Island.
Admiralty House
and Ship Island Church

Herring gull

With the sun at my back one morning at Well Bay.


Watch out! Falling snow and ice.

Removing snow and ice

Stockholm's old observatory

St. George Church, Greek Orthodox

Well signposted at Mor Anna's pier on LidingöAnders and Elisabeth H

Brick study, University of Technology

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