Technical student humor (KTH), "Studies require these drinks"
Drama of the month No. 1 at the intersection outside our window. No idea what it was about.
Leave the blueberries be Cayenne! The Humans must have them for the pancakes.
Windfalls become deer and moose food
Who split the rock, and when?
September evening
A drive from Skramsen to lake Mellanflaten (27 km) and further north through the forests to Vimo on the Mora road (further 25 km) and then via Johannisholm and south to Vansbro and finally back to Skramsen (further 66 km).
Coffee break at Juga Bear Bay. A man named Jugas once killed a bear here.
Stately view of Lake Stor-Flaten.
Roughly in the middle of the picture is the narrow strait to Mellan-Flaten, on the far shore of which is the actual goal of the journey.
The distance there as the crow flies is 4 kilometers and through the strait one can almost see the roof of the cabin we are looking for.
Floating summer cottage with its own slip at Juga Bear Bay. Patio, flybridge and toilet except for the indoor part.
And here we are at the goal. My parents' summer cottage in the 1960s. Now apparently under renovation and remodeling.
The wall that separated the kitchenette and sleeping alcove from the main room is gone. The cottage now has only one single large room. The hyper-modern circular steel open fireplace with liftable smoke hood is gone in favor of a slightly duller but probably more efficient stove. The outdoor staircase to the attic has been replaced with a sleek indoor staircase.
Up there was my lair while my parents slept in the alcove down there. The external staircase has been removed and an internal one has been installed
The slanted light line shows where the stairs used to be. The deck did not exist in the 60s.
Now there is a road all the way to the house, but in the 60s you had to walk about 600 meters from the road, passing this old chalet
Again at Skramsen, the forest's red gold (lingonberry) is harvested
Acronicta menyanthidis, Caterpillar that seemed to thrive among lingonberries
Cayenne in the country where the inland ice was in a bad mood
Two loners on the clearing
Our cabin at Skramsen at sunset
September morning
The tomatoes never seem to ripen, but marmalade on unripe ones is supposed to be a delicacy
And then it's time for the blue gold of the forest
Last (and only) cress flower of the year
Click for The Regiments Day, 22 years since last
Drama of the month No.2 at the intersection outside our window. No idea what it was about now either.
Campus Albanensis in Ventura (latin)
Moltas - a new addition to our dog league
Northern station area - glass, concrete & steel